Traffic regulations in Europe - Albania

Kategorija: Prometni propisi u Europi

What should be considered on a motorcycle tour to or through Albania? What documents do you need to bring with you? MotoGS WorldTours and MotoGS Rental provide you with answers to your most important questions.
Errors and omissions excepted - all information without guarantee.

The main streets are in good condition, the small side streets should be avoided. Main roads are marked with a one-digit number and are used for national traffic. Almost all national roads lead to the capital Tirana.

Speed limits:
The speed limit is as follows: 40 km/h in urban areas, 80 km/h in rural areas, 90 km/h on dual carriageways (marked in blue) and 110 km/h on motorways (marked in green).

Alcohol limit:
In Albania, the blood alcohol limit is 0.0. Alcohol is an absolutely taboo when motorcycling in Albania: the blood alcohol limit is 0.0. Also good to know, in Albania you can only drink alcohol from the age of 18.

An identity card for EU citizens is sufficient and must be carried. In other words, the identity card for EU citizens is sufficient for a tourist stay of up to 90 days within a period of 6 months. However, it is always advisable to have your passport with you. No matter which ID, the document must be valid for at least 3 months when you leave the country. Always remember that Albania is a candidate for accession to the EU, but not yet a member state of the EU. For non-EU citizens, the passport must be carried.

Basically and important documents:
Basically and important - ID, driver's license, rental contract, registration certificate and insurance papers such as IVK - International Insurance Card (formerly Green Card, including AL) must always be carried.
In order to be able to ride in Albania, you need an international driver's license and of course your normal valid driver's license from your home country. This applies to all foreigners, whether EU citizens or non-EU citizens. However, there is an exception for the UK.

Rented motorcycle in Albania:
If you have rented a motorbike and want to enter Albania or rent a motorbike locally, you must be at least 25 years old.
In addition, riders who travel abroad in a vehicle that is not registered in their name must carry a user permit with them to be on the safe side.
This user permit can be downloaded from the following link.

Health Insurance:
Anyone traveling to Albania should definitely take out private international health insurance, since for example, German health insurance companies do not reimburse the costs for transport to suitable centers or back to Germany. In principle, all travelers to Albania, regardless of their country of origin, should take out international health insurance. This can also be done easily here via Global Rescue. Surely this type of insurance protection is a bit more expensive than other providers. However, as the name suggests, this type of coverage is built on Rescue. Therefore not comparable. However, this should not be understood as advertising, it is a simple recommendation.

Safety vest, first aid kit and daytime running lights:
Carrying a high-visibility vest is not mandatory, but it makes sense to have it with you.
According to the Albanian road traffic regulations, the following things must be carried in on board: Warning triangle, first-aid kit (note the expiry date), spare bulbs (except for LED lights)
It is also compulsory to ride with your lights on during the day.

Traffic regulations: 
Albania drives on the right. Due to the sometimes poor road conditions, it is advisable to be particularly careful and attentive when riding your own and of course a rental motorcycle in Albania. The traffic is often difficult to monitor because not everyone follows the rules. 

Petrol stations: 
There are enough petrol stations on the main traffic routes and in the cities. However, it is advisable to stop at the big gas stations, as they have better quality petrol.

There are no tolls on motorways and national roads.

There are enough parking spaces in the cities and they are not particularly expensive.

Motorbike traffic:
Motorbike traffic, or traffic in general, is often a bit challenging in Albania, but that doesn't mean you can not enjoy motorcycling in Albania. The spontaneous driving style of some road users, which is not always perfect infrastructure and special unwritten and written rules, must be observed. That is why we are giving you a few tips for motorcycling here, so that the trip is not unnecessarily negatively influenced.

Exceptional Road Traffic:
Exceptional Road Traffic in Albania: It is advisable to have a good level of confidence and a few years of experience on a bike when riding a motorcycle in Albania. But do not put off by all the warnings: Albania is particularly well suited to being explored by motorbike - you can discover beautiful and breathtaking landscapes, explore remote corners and stop wherever you want. Lovers of mountain roads and off-road tracks will get their money's worth on mountainous secondary routes.
On most roads outside of the capital, Tirana, traffic is usually unproblematic. Nevertheless, maximum attention is always and everywhere required: Animals on the road, unpredictable road users, from pedestrians to donkey carts to bigwig speeders, insufficiently marked construction sites and bad potholes are omnipresent. The unexpected is always to be expected and no other road user can be relied on: Whoever signals left can also turn right and whoever stays in the right lane can also turn left. The unexpected is normal in Albania. Curves are often dangerously cut on mountain roads.
With a careful and non-aggressive riding style, you will get through the country well and have a lot of fun on touring.

Speed and general police controls:
Speed and general police controls are very frequent outside of town. The police officers like to look for places that encourage speeding or illegal overtaking. There are radar controls, but traffic offenses are often searched for without technical aids. Police officers are almost always considerate of foreigners. They often turn a blind eye and  are friendly and helpful. The officials often greet you with a handshake and always want to see all the papers first. There is no harassment or corrupt behavior towards foreigners. But you can't always avoid the penalty. Traffic violations will be punished without discussion.

In case of an accident:
If you have an accident with your rental motorcycle, PLEASE, call the police. Otherwise, there could be major problems with the insurance afterwards. Tip: Make sure that everything in the police report is properly recorded and is true. If necessary, it is advisable to get help in your own language.
In principle, the use of the “European Accident Report” is always recommended. You can find a download link here - European accident report.

In roundabouts, as in many other southern European countries, the rule applies that the driver who is in the roundabout goes first. There are also individual roundabouts with different rules, but most of the time any right of way rule is disregarded anyway. 

Driving bans in cities:
Driving bans sometimes come as a surprise: there are streets in city centers that become pedestrian zones in the evening. It is therefore possible that the otherwise free road is suddenly closed off. Under certain circumstances, it may no longer be possible to ride to or from your accommodation or from the parking lot in the evening hours. The fact that not all Albanians follow these rules does not mean that one should also rise above the law. 

Honking is one of the unwritten laws in Albanian traffic. There is a lot of honking - but not always because you are annoyed about other road users. A horn can also be a friendly greeting or simply a warning that someone is now overtaking you.

As of 06/25/2023

Traffic regulations in Europe - Albania, Moto Trip Price, Best Motorcycle Routes


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